Kévin kevin@mmn.ca

Open on mmn.ca

Hello Internaute, I started writing things on the internet back when it was basically AOL, made a few little sites and then found #LiveJournal in #y2k. Been journalling, then blogging, and whatever we call it next. This is my server, these are my words, come and enjoy them #fedi22


Latest articles

I'm kind of done with Matt Mullenweg's Enshittification of Wordpress

and all the other assholes like him who destroy the work of others because they think their opinions are worth listening to

Tech Fascists and the Enshittification of Access

Yet another rant about whatever the fuck the digital space has turned in to

Internett er dødt

I hate everything.

We Did It

clap clap clap emojis

OH.MG Entertainment Solutions Inc GmbH SAS EURL


Recreating the Ancient Internet

A manifesto from CompuSus Disinformation Service