Structural Changes in Plastics During Pyrolysis


Plastic pyrolysis is a thermochemical process that converts plastics into valuable products such as gases, oils, and char through the application of heat in the absence of oxygen. This process involves complex chemical reactions and structural transformations that fundamentally alter the composition of plastics. Understanding these structural changes is crucial for optimizing the efficiency of pyrolysis and improving the quality of the resulting products. This article explores the various structural transformations that occur in plastics during pyrolysis, providing insights into the mechanisms and outcomes of this critical process.

Overview of Plastic Pyrolysis

Plastic pyrolysis involves heating plastic waste to high temperatures, typically between 300°C and 900°C, in a controlled, oxygen-free environment. The absence of oxygen prevents combustion and allows for the decomposition of plastics into smaller molecules. The primary products of Beston plastic pyrolysis plant include:

  1. Synthesis Gas (Syngas): A mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide.
  2. Pyrolysis Oil: A liquid hydrocarbon mixture that can be further refined into fuels or chemicals.
  3. Char: A solid residue primarily composed of carbon and inorganic materials.

The efficiency and quality of these products depend on the types of plastics being processed and the conditions of the pyrolysis process.

Structural Changes in Plastics

Polymer Degradation

Plastics are typically composed of long polymer chains, which are responsible for their physical properties and stability. During pyrolysis, these polymer chains undergo significant degradation:

  1. Chain Scission: The most fundamental change in plastics during pyrolysis is the breaking of polymer chains into smaller fragments. This process, known as chain scission, occurs due to the thermal energy provided during pyrolysis. The long-chain polymers are cleaved into shorter oligomers and monomers, leading to a reduction in molecular weight and the formation of smaller molecules that are more volatile.

  2. Cross-Linking: In some cases, the polymer chains may undergo cross-linking, where bonds form between different polymer chains. This phenomenon can occur in thermosetting plastics or as a secondary reaction in certain conditions. Cross-linking can increase the rigidity of the material and affect the quality of the char produced.

Formation of Intermediate Compounds

As the polymer chains break down, they form intermediate compounds that play a crucial role in the pyrolysis process:

  1. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): These are short-chain hydrocarbons and other volatile molecules released during pyrolysis. VOCs include alkanes, alkenes, and aromatic compounds. Their formation is a result of the decomposition of polymer chains and influences the composition of the pyrolysis oil.

  2. Oligomers: Intermediate oligomers, which are shorter polymer chains or cyclic compounds, are formed as a result of chain scission. These oligomers can undergo further decomposition or recombination to form various products.

Product Distribution

The distribution of pyrolysis products is influenced by the structural changes occurring in the plastics:

  1. Gas Phase: The breakdown of polymer chains into smaller molecules contributes to the formation of synthesis gas. The types and proportions of gases produced depend on the plastic type and pyrolysis conditions. For instance, polyethylene primarily yields methane and ethylene, while polystyrene produces benzene and toluene.

  2. Liquid Phase: Pyrolysis oil, or bio-oil, consists of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, including alkanes, alkenes, and aromatic compounds. The composition of the oil is influenced by the initial plastic type and the degree of polymer degradation. For example, polypropylene yields more propylene and propane, while polyvinyl chloride (PVC) can produce chlorinated hydrocarbons.

  3. Solid Phase: Char is the solid residue left after pyrolysis. Its composition is predominantly carbon, along with inorganic minerals and trace elements. The amount and quality of char depend on the type of plastic and the extent of decomposition.

Factors Affecting Structural Changes


Temperature is a critical factor influencing the structural changes in the plastic pyrolysis chamber:

  1. Low Temperature Pyrolysis: At lower temperatures (300°C to 500°C), the pyrolysis process is relatively mild. This range primarily results in the formation of larger molecules and oligomers, with a higher yield of liquid products and lower gas yields.

  2. High Temperature Pyrolysis: Higher temperatures (500°C to 900°C) promote more extensive chain scission and decomposition. This results in a greater yield of gaseous products and a more complex mixture of pyrolysis oil. High temperatures also increase the rate of char formation and influence its properties.

Type of Plastic

Different types of plastics exhibit distinct behaviors during pyrolysis due to their unique chemical structures:

  1. Polyethylene (PE): PE is a common thermoplastic with a simple, linear structure. During pyrolysis, PE predominantly yields alkanes and alkenes, such as ethylene and methane. The process results in a high proportion of gaseous products and a relatively low yield of char.

  2. Polypropylene (PP): PP has a more complex structure with methyl groups attached to the polymer chain. Pyrolysis of PP produces propylene and propane, along with other hydrocarbons. The yield of liquid products is relatively high compared to PE.

  3. Polystyrene (PS): PS contains aromatic rings in its polymer structure. During pyrolysis, it generates a significant amount of aromatic compounds such as benzene and toluene. The process also produces a considerable amount of char.

  4. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): PVC contains chlorine atoms in its polymer chain. Pyrolysis of PVC can produce chlorinated hydrocarbons and hydrochloric acid. The presence of chlorine requires special handling and can affect the overall process and product quality.

Presence of Additives

Plastics often contain additives such as stabilizers, flame retardants, and plasticizers, which influence the pyrolysis process:

  1. Stabilizers: These additives are designed to prevent degradation during the lifespan of the plastic. During pyrolysis, they can affect the rate of polymer breakdown and the composition of the products.

  2. Flame Retardants: These additives can alter the pyrolysis process by affecting the thermal stability of the plastic. They may lead to the formation of additional by-products, including toxic compounds.

  3. Plasticizers: Plasticizers can modify the flexibility and processing characteristics of plastics. Their presence can influence the breakdown of polymer chains and the distribution of pyrolysis products.

Pyrolysis Equipment and Efficiency

The efficiency of the plastic pyrolysis process is heavily dependent on the equipment used and the operational parameters:

  1. Pyrolysis Reactors: The design of the pyrolysis reactor, including its temperature control and heat transfer mechanisms, affects the efficiency of the process. Advanced reactors with precise temperature control and efficient heat management can optimize the breakdown of plastics and improve product yields.

  2. Catalysts: Catalysts can be used to enhance specific reactions during pyrolysis, such as the conversion of hydrocarbons into more valuable products. The use of catalysts can influence the composition of the pyrolysis oil and improve overall efficiency.

  3. Process Optimization: Optimizing the pyrolysis process involves adjusting parameters such as temperature, heating rate, and residence time. Effective process optimization can maximize the yield of desired products and enhance the economic viability of the process.


Plastic pyrolysis involves complex structural changes in plastics, leading to the formation of valuable products such as gases, oils, and char. The process is characterized by polymer degradation, the formation of intermediate compounds, and variations in product distribution based on temperature, plastic type, and additives. Understanding these structural transformations is essential for optimizing the pyrolysis process and improving the efficiency and quality of the products. Continued advancements in pyrolysis technology and process optimization hold the promise of enhancing the economic and environmental benefits of plastic waste recycling.