The Kyiv Independent [unofficial]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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Holzbank der Ältere

Father, husband, geospatial IT guy, former photographer. Solarpunk. Science. Save the climate. Save life on this planet. Fight fascism. Other interests: moss, arts, lichen, graffiti, cooking, Citroen e2CV, archeology, astronomy

Carles :fed: :nonuke:

observació, curiositat, cerca, col·laboració, descobriment, error, aprenentatge, creativitat, síntesi, esforç, resultats, millora, satisfacció

Monique Camarra

I’m an instructor at Uni Siena- political communication, information researcher, investigating info ecosystem in Italy, EU, North America and Russian capture, geo-politics, natsec interests. Co-host Kremlin File podcast, author EuroFile, co-host EuroFile@6


Energy Nerd and Hydrogen

Cynthia Parker

Reserving my name. Twitter: @cynparker_

Nancy Kelman

Pr. Alexandre Brassard

Prof. de science #politique (et parfois de #mycologie). Doyen, Faculté des #arts et Faculté des #sciences, Université de Saint-Boniface, #Winnipeg. Féru de francophonie canadienne. Compte personnel. #Education #HigherEd #Canada #Treaty1 #CdnPoli #CanPol #politicalscience #politicalpsychology #LGBT #Stoicism


Tattooed vegan metalhead riding a bike in Amsterdam. he/him.


I am a retired teacher, septuagenarian, liberal, photography buff and avid golfer. I love diversity and the richness it brings to America and despise those who want to turn America into a kleptocratic theocracy or oligarchy.

Most photos I post are from our travels. Others will be attributed.


Kori Maleski 🐘

My attempts to restrain the urge to speak my mind comes across as me being arrogant apparently. So I just travel instead.

Geographer. I make magical mapping websites.

#politics, #genealogy, #geography, #photography #astronomy #dogs #programming #webdev #fedi22